Xiao Cao a "worker" at the orphanage has been so great about responding to all of my e-mails. I asked for a few pictures of Kamdynn with her friends and nannies and she was so kind to send me a few (although the nanny in the photo isn't one of her main care takers). I'm assuming the little one in the photo with her is a girl (although she is dressed like a boy) and I wish we could bring her home also. I pray she has a family waiting for her too.
These are the first pictures of Kamdynn IN the orphanage. All the others have been outside or in an office chair. After seeing these Kevin would like to buy paint for the walls and I'd like to stock them up on Lysol wipes for all the walkers and toys!
Kamdynn looks so sweet and calm and the only thing missing is a BIG smile on her face...but I know we will see lots of those in the near future. Each picture we get of her, we fall more in love with her and I just can't even begin to imagine the amount of love we will feel for her once she is in our arms.
Now if we could just get our Travel Approval...
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