This morning I woke up before Kevin or Kamdynn. I found myself sitting on the couch just waiting for her to wake up...I couldn't wait to start a new day with her! She slept straight through the night...almost 9 hours. She is trained well! She woke up happy and we played a bit and Skyped with "Auntie Erin" in Colorado, Kevin's parents and my entire family (all at once). It has been so fun to connect with everyone and show her off. We went to breakfast around 9:00 and let me just say...this girl can EAT! I think she may have eaten more than me...she had bacon, hash browns, hard boiled eggs, mini corns, toast, cheese and watermelon. She still takes a bottle several times a day, but I think when we get home we will start to just give her regular milk in a sippy cup and food...she is ready for it. After breakfast we headed to the hotel lobby to pick up the albums that the orphanage had dropped off at the front desk. These were the photo albums of our family that we sent to Kamdynn and they were so kind to go out of their way to return them to us. Inside one of the albums was a note from Cao Cao, who helps run the orphanage. The letter thanked us for choosing Kamdynn and wished us good luck, good health, beauty and happiness. She also stated that we were welcome to come and visit the Orphanage. While we were in the lobby we met our guide and we were off to the notary office. This was a quick appointment, where once again we were asked to promise we would never abandon her and our adoption certificate was notarized and I guess made even more official than it was yesterday! Following that we went to Walmart, yes they have Walmart in China. We went and purchased more diapers, formula, rice cereal and a walker to donate to the Orphanage. They had a KFC inside the Walmart and Kevin and I sat in there while we waited for the other couples to finish their shopping. A really sweet Chinese lady offered a banana for Kamdynn and we graciously took it and said "shi, shi" (thank you). Kamdynn ate the entire banana, seriously I think this girl eats more than both our boys combined! When we were leaving Walmart a few Chinese ladies came up to us and gave us a "thumbs up" when they saw us with Kamdynn. Another lady came up to us with a little boy in the cart and she pointed to him and motioned for us to take him too...she was laughing and the little boy was shaking his head no. Another lady was talking to me in Chinese as if I could understand her (I just kept smiling). Thankfully our guide was with us and was able to come over and translate for us. The lady was saying that Kamdynn was a lucky baby, I replied that we were lucky too and she smiled. I think for the most part Chinese people are happy to see their orphans adopted to Americans, so while we get a lot of looks...most of them are friendly. After Walmart we made our way back to the hotel and it was about nap time (for all of us). Kamdynn slept 4 hours! We didn't have anything else scheduled for the day so we took her to the swimming pool and boy did she look cute in her swimsuit! She was okay with the pool, but didn't seem to love it. By the time we finished at the pool it was time for dinner. We ventured out with our new friends David, Katherin and their baby girl Kirby to KFC. I figured the food might be safe being an American restaurant and I ate my first meal with meat in China . Kamdynn had her first french fry and loved it! All in all it was a really good day and we are already looking forward to another day with our sweet little girl. Kevin just fed her a bottle and shared a hard boiled egg with her and she is now sound asleep. It was a better day for Daddy...she is slowly starting to warm up to him. Their "bonding" time usually involves food!
Tomorrow we will be doing a little sight seeing and then our guide is arranging for us to hopefully visit the orphanage. The orphanage is about two hours away so it could make for a long day, but we don't want to get home and "wish" that we had taken time to go.
Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us! She is so beautiful and I am so happy for all of you!
"Aunt Bev"
Your blog is making me cry remembering this time last year when we got our Ani from Zhangshu. The pics are all so familiar. It is a life changing experience for sure! Did you go to BICF in Beijing? It is where we went when we lived there. Many blessings to you and your family, Carmen Meier Surrey, BC Canada
So great to read your story and see your pictures! So excited for you all! Brings back so many wonderful memories- can't believe it's been 3 years for us. She is absolutely beautiful and it looks like you are all bonding well and enjoying your time. Know we are here through this transition for any questions etc. We have been praying for you and thinking of you in the journey. Enjoy every moment! I remember the pains of just wanting to get home to have our WHOLE family together once we had Ryan in our arms... hope the rest of your time in China goes well- so many incredible and overwhelming emotions and moments I know!
I have been following your blog since the beginning and am so excited for you and glad we could follow along on your adoption! You need to bring your whole family to visit the alpacas when you get back so we can meet Kamdynn!
Leanna & Greg
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