Today was an AMAZING day! We started our day off at a Christian church service that only foreign passport holders can attend. The worship and message were incredible! Following the service we went to the Beijing Jade Museum. Jade is precious mineral that is an important part of the Chinese culture. It is passed down from a mother to her daughter or daughter-in-law. We bought a Jade bracelet to pass down to Kamdynn. After another Chinese lunch we were off to the Great was breath taking, no wonder it is one of the seven wonders of the world. We walked up as far as we could with the time we had and at one point we stopped and purchased a lock and had the boys and Kamydnn's names engraved on it. There is a long chain going up the wall to attach your lock to. Once you lock it on you are suppose to toss the key over the side of the great wall to lock your love forever. Maybe someday we will bring the kids back to find their lock.
In just two days of being here we have learned a lot about China...
The traffic is horrible! Our bus driver is very aggressive and has made several other drivers upset. At one point he got out of the bus and had an argument with a car that cut him off. Our guide said that everyone thinks that the lines on the road are just "suggestions." It is unreal how these people drive and there are people on scooters and bikes everywhere!
Many Chinese people are amazed by Americans (especially those that are tall like Kevin). Yesterday and today people asked to have their picture taken with him. When our bus came up next to a bus of students they all were waving at us and taking pictures with their cell phones. Who knew we could be so exciting!
People are everywhere...everywhere!
The public bathrooms are disgusting. Most toilets are "squatty potties", which is a bowl in the ground that you squat over.
The food: Kevin loves it and I would be okay if I never ate Chinese again! He is trying everything and I am living off rice, vegetables and watermelon...if all goes well I'll loose a few pounds on this trip!
We are about to call it a night as we have to be in the hotel lobby at 5:30 AM to head to the airport to catch our flight to Jiangxi. Kevin had a horrible cough before we left and is on antibiotics, but it just doesn't seem to be going away. There is a couple traveling with us that are Chiropractors and Dan gave Kevin an adjustment so hopefully that will help him start to feel better soon. We are really enjoying the families we are traveling with...Kevin and I both agree that we couldn't be with a better group. There will be 3 other couples flying to Jiangxi with us tomorrow and the rest of the families will be flying to their child's province. We will all meet up in Guanzhou on Friday and are anxious to meet each others little ones.
Tomorrow is our GOTCHA day...the day we have been anticipating for 2 years! Only one more "sleep" (as the boys would say) and then we will have our little girl!
1 comment:
oh my gosh steph, I am sure you are going crazy with those "squattie potties" ha ha ha ha I know how you value hygiene and cleanliness! Make sure you try the food, and I mean more than the fortune cookie!! Enjoy your time!
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