Today was our last day of sight seeing in Jiangxi. We started our day at People's Park. This is a large and popular park and we saw some very interesting things...from women dancing, men singing, a Buddhist ritual and game playing. Following that we went to a porcelain shop (Jiangxi is known for its porcelain) and we bought Kamdynn a little tea set. On the way back to the hotel our guide asked us if we needed to stop at the market or McDonalds. When I heard McDonald's I jumped on the idea and everyone joined me. It was so great to have some American food! We took our lunch to go and headed back to the hotel...or home as I called it earlier today. You know you have been somewhere too long when you call it home and it is far from it! Kamdynn took another 4 hour nap and I also got to rest for a bit. Kevin and David (another Dad) walked down the street to have the disposable cameras that we had sent to the orphanage developed. We got some neat pictures and they will be fun to show Kamdynn someday. We ended our night with dinner at KFC again...normally I don't even eat KFC at home...but in China I am thankful for it! That pretty much sums up our day...tomorrow we fly out to Guangzhou and we are looking forward to some new scenery and joining the rest of our group there.
I was able to just barely get pony tails in Kamdynn's hair today and I know Konner will be excited about that! Kevin had to keep her distracted while I did it, as she thinks pulling her bows out of her hair is a game. We are having so much fun with her and everyday she is changing right before our eyes. She loves to mimic us. She can wave, blow kisses, put her hands in the air for "so big", clap, shake her head yes and no, dance, say Da Da and say Hi (we are working on Mama)! It is amazing the difference a day makes and everyday she feels more and more like OURS (at first it felt like we were babysitting). We couldn't imagine life without her!!
My friend Jan Brooks posted your blog on FB. We adopted from Jiangxi too. Our daughter is 5 now. Your daughter is just beautiful. Enjoy the adventure. We became dedicated to KFC when we were there too. LOL.
Stephanie, I am just having the time to read thru your blog since you left. I have tears in my eyes! I know how emotional the process is, even though we have much different stories, the outcome is the same! I am SOOOO happy for you guys and I can't wait to meet your beautiful little girl! Enjoy your trip.
Maybe our adoption will be done by the time you guys get back! ; )
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