Today Kamdynn and I met Debby & Charis for a play date and lunch! Debby and her husband Chris were in China with us making their family complete...with Charis! Charis and Kamdynn are only a few weeks apart and our families just live 45 minutes from each other. We traveled with 28 families to China and Debby and Chris were one of the couples we really "clicked" with on our journey, so we truly count it a blessing that they live so close to us!
It was fun to catch up with Debby and let our girls interact. Charis is so tiny and quiet compared to Kamdynn...she is such a doll! One thing Debby and I were really able to chat about, was how huge of a blessing these girls have been to our families. It was great to talk to someone that truly understands what this blessing feels like...sometimes it feels indescribable. We talked about others reactions to our little girls. Most people are very touched when they hear that we went to the other side of the world to bring these girls home. The interesting thing is that we hear the same thing over and over again..."wow, that is one lucky (or blessed) little girl." Why is it that people can't see the other blessed we are? I can HONESTLY say, that I daily have to tell people..."oh, we are blessed too." How is that not evident to people? We KNEW going into this that we would not only be blessing our little girl, BUT that she would be blessing us (and boy has she EVER). With all that said, I know that God is using us to open people's eyes (and hearts), so we will press on. What other people think really isn't what matters...the important thing is that Kamdynn knows that we count HER as one of OUR greatest blessings.
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