It is hard to believe that it has only been THREE MONTHS since Kamdynn was placed in our feels like she has been with us forever! This little girl has come SO far in such a short amount of time. When we first got her, she could only sit up (if we sat her up), she wasn't speaking a word, crawling or signing. Now her "I CAN" list is a mile long...
Kamdynn's "I CAN" List:
I can sign: more, please, thank you (although she has modified this by hitting her head, instead of her chin), all done, eat, yes/no, and fold my hands to pray.
I can say: up, Mama, Dada, bu (bus), uh-oh, dat (that), ba (bath), eat, yay, drink (dink), ball, bye-bye,...oh and I can SCREAM, and I do it often!
I can: scoot on my bottom, army crawl, crawl, WALK, climb stairs and DANCE!
I can make these animal sounds: doggy, cow, snake and dinosaur
I can point to my: eyes, nose, ears, toes, belly, shoes, pretty hair, bow, teeth and knee!
I can only imagine what this little girl will be doing THREE months from now! She is so much fun and loves to be LOVED...and boy do we love her!
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