Today our day started early...we had to meet in the lobby at 8:50 a.m. We are staying at the Marriott China Hotel and the breakfast buffet is amazing. I didn't eat much because it was like a reunion in there with all the families we had started with in Beijing. It is so amazing to see everyone with their new child and all the kids seem well adjusted and happy. Right after breakfast we headed to Kamdynn's medical check-up. I was nervous about this, because I knew she would need some shots...I certainly was not expecting that she would need SIX. Yes, you read it right...she needed SIX shots. She didn't cry on the first one, but after that she was a mess (so was Mom). The rest of her medical check-up went well, maybe even a little better than expected. One doctor listened to her heart and then called us into another room and had another doctor come listen to her heart. I thought they were concerned but they actually were trying to find her heart murmur and they COULDN'T. They said "she has no murmur." Kevin and I looked at each other and both of our eyes welled up with tears...I was so emotional that I couldn't even tell the other Mom's when they asked how it went. God is Good! We will still have her checked by a Dr. Park (her heart doctor) when we get home, but for now we will take this as great news! She weighs 20 pounds and is almost 31 inches tall...she is doing well! While we waited for everyone else in our group to complete their medical check-ups we got to watch a model shoot outside (and so were many of the doctors) never know what you will see in China!
After the medical check-up (2 hours later) we came home and Kamdynn took a nap. Kevin went and completed some more paperwork and I caught up on e-mails. Before long it was time for dinner. Everyone went to a Japanese restaurant that is actually connected to the hotel. The hotel is beautiful and most importantly it has a Starbucks! America World has done a wonderful job with our accommodations and we are very pleased. Dinner was fun, we sat at a low table with our shoes off and Kamdynn loved sitting in her own chair and playing with chopsticks. She ate an entire bowl of rice, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. She will eat just about anything and if we don't keep it coming fast enough she lets us know that she isn't happy by kicking her legs and crying. I'm not sure where she is putting all the food (maybe her cheeks), but we are thankful that she is eating so well. Kevin got brave with a few others in the group and ate a snail. I stuck to my usual...rice and vegetables. Tomorrow is a day of sight seeing and shopping. We are looking forward too exploring Guangzhou!
1 comment:
Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us. Glenn and I read your blog everyday and are amazed at how wonderfully everything has went. Praise God for the A+ check-up today!!!!!!!!
Glenn and Tami
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